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AMC Health’s Hospital at Home monitoring support program helps to make hospital-level care at home safer and more effective.

AMC Health’s real-time virtual care management solutions complement the in-home care provided by hospital-at-home clinical staff to help improve quality and safety outcomes. Virtual care management helps to ensure that patients remain safe in between clinical in-person visits by enabling providers to continuously monitor patients and by promoting patient adherence to plans of care. 

Our virtual care management solution can help any patient who is a candidate for receiving hospital-level care at home, such as individuals with community-acquired pneumonia, congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or urinary tract infection, to name a few. 

AMC Health’s Hospital at Home monitoring support program offers the following components:   

Biometric monitoring Patients are supplied with easy-to-use monitoring devices, including weight scales, blood glucose meters, blood pressure monitors, thermometers, and pulse oximeters. Wearables for continuous transmission of heart rate, respiratory rate, glucose monitoring, and temperature will be available by the second half of 2023. 

Inhaler tracking — For patients whose pulmonary medication requires tracking, AMC Health supplies inhaler monitors. These devices detect the underuse or overuse of controller and rescue medications.  

MyCare Virtual mobile app — AMC Health’s FDA Class II mobile app facilitates secure, anytime chat and televideo between patients and care teams, automated assessments, and educational medical to guide self-care.

Personal Emergency Response Services (PERS) — We have integrated third-party, 24/7 emergency response services, including wearables for automated fall detection. 

Supplemental telecare management triage services — We provide 24/7 triage services to provide relief for overstretched acute-care-at-home resources.   

Integration with EHR and case management platforms  We ensure that our real-time data collection from the home is seamlessly woven into existing hospital-at-home workflows.


Remote patient monitoring enhances hospital-level care at home in a variety of ways.

Reduces readmissions image
Reduces readmissions
Increases patient and provider satisfaction image
Increases patient and provider satisfaction
Clinical staffing icon
Enhances coordinated care
Improve ROI icon
Reduces care costs
Wound management icon
Improves quality and safety
Data analytics icon
Provides data to identify risk factors
Pill icon
Promotes education and adherence
Analysis icon
Identifies gaps in social determinants of health
If additional resources are needed, AMC can provide telecare management and full virtual clinical resources, certified in all 50 states.
Case Studies
Benefits of Virtual Care for Payers and Their Members
Virtual care solutions can solve some challenges payers face by improving member care, managing rising healthcare costs, improving Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Star Ratings, increasing member engagement, and reducing hospital readmissions. Digital health solutions provide tools that enable payers to address concerns such as social determinants of health (SDOH) by improving access to care while minimizing costs. The benefits of these solutions extend beyond payers, however. Members also experience the benefits of virtual care solutions.
Study Shows Remote Blood Pressure Monitoring Significantly Improves Blood Pressure Control
Hypertension is one of the most common chronic conditions. But only about 1 in 4 adults have their hypertension under control. This has a large impact on both those with hypertension and on payers as chronic conditions often require hospitalization and can be costly to treat, acting as a leading contributor to our nation’s $4.1 trillion in annual healthcare costs. Additionally, approximately 17.8 percent of individuals who were initially hospitalized for acute hypertensive emergency were hospitalized again within 30 days.
How to Efficiently Increase Monitoring to Better Assist Members with Hypertension
When it comes to virtual care opportunities for members with hypertension, it’s critical for solutions and programs to provide the experience, usability, and monitoring capabilities that members deserve. Because hypertension plays an aggressive role in the deaths of countless Americans each year, it’s important for payers and providers to be vigilant with care offerings that include sophisticated telecare monitoring capabilities.
Reducing All-Cause Readmission Rates Through Remote Patient Monitoring for Members with High Blood Pressure
For the millions of Americans suffering from hypertension, managing blood pressure is critical to reducing the likelihood of heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure. To help those at risk, remote patient monitoring (RPM) offers the opportunity to equip patients with the necessary tools to manage their conditions from the familiarity of their own homes. At the same time, RPM empowers healthcare professionals with real-time data to monitor patients and proactively intervene when necessary. But can RPM technology actually reduce readmission rates for those with hypertension?

Explore our articles about remote patient monitoring, industry news, and much more.

Benefits of Virtual Care for Payers and Their Members
Virtual care solutions can solve some challenges payers face by improving member care, managing rising healthcare costs, improving Centers for Medicare and Medicaid ...
Study Shows Remote Blood Pressure Monitoring Significantly Improves Blood Pressure Control
Hypertension is one of the most common chronic conditions. But only about 1 in 4 adults have their hypertension under control. This has a large impact on both those with ...
How to Efficiently Increase Monitoring to Better Assist Members with Hypertension
When it comes to virtual care opportunities for members with hypertension, it’s critical for solutions and programs to provide the experience, usability, and monitoring ...
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